Campbell Discusses the Environmental Impact of Plastic Bags – California

Posted on May 6, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Campbell Discusses the Environmental Impact of Plastic Bags – Campbell, CA Patch.

The bag manufacturers always bring out the argument, a plastic bag uses less water and less energy to make than a plastic bag. They are trying to divert the discussion away from the disposal issues of their plastic bags, as they have no argument there as their bags are not biodegradable, they do not go away, they last 100’s of years polluting and clogging things. . The plastic bag waste is a bad problem and manufacturers have to be responsible for part of the problem. They just want to produce lots of bags for a profit and have no care for the environment.
Banning the bag does cause a grumbling change of habit in some people for a few months, but they get over it and move on to some other topic meanwhile your environment is better off. You’ll see new businesses start up selling fashionable reusable bags.
Have confidence you are doing the right thing and ban those bags.