Mass. bill would require compostable plastic bags

Posted on July 22, 2012 by DrRossH in BioPlastics, Plastic Waste News

Plastics News – Mass. bill would require compostable plastic bags.

While it is good that petroleum based bags are to be banned as they are a huge blight on our waste management problems, how do these law makers think that people are going to dispose of compostable bags.   It seemed like they only listened to a lobbyist from the compostable industry.

Do the law makers know that;

1) Compostable bags do not biodegrade in a landfill as it is not hot enough?

2) there is almost no infrastructure around that allows a compostable plastic to be sent to a commercial compost facility?

3) there are very few commercial compost facilities around? 

4) people will not drive many miles in their car to drop their compostable bags off even if there were commercial compost facilities available?


They should have considered bags made from an additive that allows bags to biodegrade in landfills.   Since almost 97% of plastic bags go to landfills then that is where the target biodegradation should be aimed at.   What are they thinking in mandating compostable bags?  It does little for their states problems on this issue.