New bill would ban plastic straws in all NYC bars and restaurants – USA
Posted on May 28, 2018 by DrRossH in Plastic StrawsThe straw that stirs New York City’s drink will soon be made of paper, if a group of City Council members has anything to say about it. On Wednesday, Councilman
Source: New bill would ban plastic straws in all NYC bars and restaurants
“Each day millions of plastic straws are used and discarded,” Espinal said during a press conference announcing the bill. “With so many options available, from paper to metal straws, we can make plastic a thing of the past.”
The switch to paper straws will surely take some getting used to, but Espinal is confident that businesses will be on board. A spokesperson from his office said that the NYC Hospitality Alliance completed a study on the matter and found that paper straws would not be cost prohibitive for food and drink establishments. One goal of the bill is to encourage businesses to make patrons request straws, “a practice that reduced the usage of straws by 75 percent in one Brooklyn venue,” the spokesperson said.
A necessary step for all cities to make. We don’t need them. Stop giving straws unless asked for and then give them a paper one.
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