New York Seeks Waste to Energy Proposals

New York Seeks Waste to Energy Proposals

Posted on March 10, 2012 by DrRossH in Landfills and Disposal

New York Seeks Waste to Energy Proposals – Waste Mangagement World.


For those that don’t understand that methane is generated in landfills from anaerobic biodegradation.    “Furthermore, the City said that residential and institutional solid waste creates 728,000 metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, much of which is attributable to methane generation from landfills that receive its waste”

This supports the manufacture of landfill-biodegradable plastics for the following reasons;
1) It gets rid of the plastic within our life time.  We should not be leaving our trash for future generations to deal with.
2) It lets the plastic waste be converted to methane and its energy recovered for power generation
3) It incentivises the local governments to collect as much trash as possible for this power generation and therefore reduces litter.