NSW’s 40 million cash backs

NSW’s 40 million cash backs

Posted on January 29, 2018 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Coffs Harbour has taken up on the new container recycling scheme

Source: NSW’s 40 million cash backs

NEW South Wales residents have returned more than 40 million containers under the statewide Return and Earn container deposit scheme since collection points opened on December 1.

The Coffs Harbour community has strongly supported the scheme, with the Environmental Protection Authority revealing the reverse vending machine at the Hoey Moey Hotel has received 202,542 containers since it came online.

It is currently averaging between 13,000 – 15,000 containers a day seeing residents receive a 10-cent cashback from each bottle or container returned.

Where is the state of Victoria in all this?   No where to be seen is the answer.