One Stop Green Now Offers DesignerLiner Biodegradable Waste Basket Liners

Posted on March 13, 2012 by DrRossH in Environmental Plastic Suppliers

One Stop Green Now Offers DesignerLiner Biodegradable Waste Basket Liners – Houston Chronicle.

An oft reason people complain when a plastic bag ban is introduced, is that they have to go buy ‘plastic bags’ for their bin  liners, so what is the point they ask.   This kind of thinking is very sort sighted as what they should be thinking is now they can go buy biodegradable bags for their trash bins which is another good environmental step to take.  This is one of a number of companies now making landfill-biodegradable bin liners.

Non biodegradable plastic bags in a landfill impede the operation of the landfill.  Since the bags do not biodegrade they trap their contents inside the bag and keep them separate from the biodegrading environment in a landfill, so they last around a lot longer.  With a biodegradable bag, the contents are soon exposed to the landfill interior and their breakdown happens faster.