Petition asks for ban on balloon releases on Aquidneck Island -USA

Petition asks for ban on balloon releases on Aquidneck Island -USA

Posted on March 27, 2017 by DrRossH in Balloons

By: Stormtracker Meteorologist Tim Studebaker  Facebook & Twitter: @TStudebakerABC6  Email:  MIDDLETOWN, R.I. – Fresh on the heels of the plastic bag ban in Newport, a new C…

Source: Petition asks for ban on balloon releases on Aquidneck Island

 Macmillan says, “It’s incredibly depressing.  You’ll be sailing along and you’ll just see plastic balloons floating everywhere.  And, you’ve got to imagine that the sea life that encounters them are just ingesting them and dying, or it’s getting into our own food supply.”

Here is Australia they are a problem too.  In a recent survey we just finished where we surveyed the same section of beach every day for a year, amongst many other things we collected 750 balloons or fragments.  Off just 35 m!  Full details are available.