Plastic water bottles bad for environment but beverage makers want us to buy more |
Posted on July 22, 2015 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting RegulationsPlastic water bottles bad for environment but beverage makers want us to buy more |
This is so sad that a industry that is making a product that no one needs and is very bad for the environment can go to federal government and get a LAW passed to make it illegal to ban their products especially in a pristine areas like national parks. There is only one reason why that would get passed by any govt and that is $.
In Australia with bottle recycling at a pathetic rate of 25% the govt here is too weak (I.e. too lobbied by big $ corporations to look after their financial interests at the expense of the country) to do what 90% of the voters are asking for. Pass a bottle deposit scheme to get recycling over 80%. How is that a democratic government?
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