The big plastic bag myth – Australia
Posted on April 27, 2016 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting RegulationsCONSUMERS like to believe we’re doing the right thing for the environment. Purchasing plastic bags or coffee cups marked “biodegradable”, “compostable” or even plain old “environmentally friendly”, helps us sleep better at night.
“While consumers might feel they are ‘doing the right thing’ by choosing biodegradable or degradable plastic, these products simply disintegrate into smaller and smaller pieces to become microplastic,” read the report based on the senate’s findings.
“The committee also notes that there is some community confusion regarding the differences between biodegradable, degradable plastic, compostable and traditional plastic.
The only solution is to ban the common store one time use bags and encourage reusable cloth bags. People would soon get over it and simply move on. Being afraid of change is not a good enough reason to not make changes.
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