The oceans are full of plastic – here’s what we can do about it – Australia

The oceans are full of plastic – here’s what we can do about it – Australia

Posted on September 18, 2014 by DrRossH in Plastic & Wildlife, Plastic Waste News

Aust PlasticAustplastic2The oceans are full of our plastic – here’s what we can do about it.

The more this huge problem gets publicity and the sooner it gets enough exposure to through to the public the better chance we’ll have of making this problem not get any worse.

We probably cannot now make it get any better as the plastic fragments are dispersed over huge distances and broken down into small pieces that now no one could afford to go collect them.    But preventing it from getting any worse is paramount.  On Lord Hose Island, 100% of the Shearwater birds have -plastic in their stomachs now.

Eliminating the basic and unnecessary consumer items will go a long way to solve this problem.  Plastic bags, plastic bottles, cutlery, plates, plastic toothbrushes, almost all air line containers can be done with out and the suppliers can use paper or cardboard in their place.

It is time for manufacturers to act responsible and for consumers to think before they reach for that next plastic throw away item.