US Plastics Pact updates targets for 2030 – USA
Posted on June 12, 2024 by DrRossH in Plastic RecyclingA “more nuanced” set of objectives focuses on recycling, virgin plastics reduction, bio-based materials and other projects with goals in 2030 rather than 2025.
Source: US Plastics Pact updates targets for 2030 | Sustainable Plastics
The newest set of targets for 2030 include:
• Eliminate all items on the Problematic and Unnecessary Materials List and reduce use of virgin plastic by 30 percent by 2030. The previous target did not have a virgin plastic use decrease amount.
• Design and manufacture 100 percent of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable. That’s similar language as the original road map with a 2025 target.
• Effectively recycle 50 percent of plastic packaging and establish the necessary framework to recycle or compost packaging at scale. The initial roadmap’s target was to “undertake ambitious actions to effectively recycle or compost 50 percent of plastic packaging by 2025.”
• Achieve an average of 30 percent of postconsumer recycled content or responsibly sourced bio-based content across all plastic packaging. The initial 2025 target was to “achieve an average of 30 percent recycled content or responsibly sourced, bio-based content by 2025.”
• Identify viable reusable packaging systems and increase their implementation and scale by 2030, as part of reducing the use of virgin plastics. This target is new.
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