Broadrock Renewables LLC Marks Inauguration of Landfill Gas-to-Energy Expansion Facilities at Olinda Alpha Landfill – USA
Posted on October 22, 2012 by DrRossH in Landfills and DisposalBroadrock Renewables LLC Marks Inauguration of Landfill Gas-to-Energy Expansion Facilities at Olinda Alpha Landfill | Solid Waste & Recycling Magazine.
Broadrock’s new facility has a renewable energy generating capacity of 32.5 MW, and when combined with Broadrock’s existing 5MW facility, totals 37.5 MW of renewable energy generating capacity installed at the Olinda Alpha Landfill. This is the 2nd largest power plant fueled by landfill gas in the United States.
Dr Ross Headifen is an active promotor of the issues of plastic waste and what it is doing to our environment. He looks at issues concerning the proliferation of plastic waste and methods to control/reduce it. Including Reduce, Replace, Recycle and a new 4th R for Rejuvenation using landfill biodegradable additives to make plastics fade away.
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