CSIRO-led study shows plastics can be ‘pervasive’ in food supply – Australia

Posted on May 21, 2023 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

Australia-based science agency the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has released a new report claiming that plastics could be a threat to food safety and security.

Source: CSIRO-led study shows plastics can be ‘pervasive’ in food supply

The study found that such plastics may have an adverse impact on the security and safety of food on a global scale.

CSIRO analytical chemist and food safety specialist Dr Jordi Nelis, who is also the research paper’s lead author, said that plastics can enter the human food chain via several different paths, ingestion being one such example.

However, one of the main pathways found was through food packaging and processing itself.

Nelis said: “Fresh food for example can be plastic-free when it’s picked or caught but contain plastics by the time it’s been handled, packaged and makes its way to us.

“Machinery, cutting boards, plastic wrapping can all deposit MNP onto our food that we then consume.