Inside the Plastic Industry’s Battle to Win Over Hearts and Minds – USA

Posted on November 30, 2024 by DrRossH in Plastic Recycling

Documents leaked from an industry group show how plastics companies are pushing back against a “tide of anti-plastic sentiment.”

Source: Inside the Plastic Industry’s Battle to Win Over Hearts and Minds – The New York Times

The campaign’s messaging was at times misleading. One paid TikTok influencer who posts about her family’s life on the road in an R.V. claimed that “PET bottles are a closed-loop, zero-waste system.”

In fact, despite being recyclable, PET remains a major source of plastic waste and microplastics, those extremely small pieces of plastic debris. According to NAPCOR’s annual report, less than 30 percent of PET plastic bottles were recycled in the United States in 2022, a rate that has remained largely unchanged for the past decade. Plastic that is not recycled is incinerated or ends up in landfills or the environment.

The Positively PET campaign dates to 2018, when a NAPCOR subcommittee made up of oil giant BP, packaging company Amcor and other members mulled ways to combat what internal documents describe as a “tide of anti-plastic sentiment.” (BP has since sold its petrochemical business to INEOS, which remains a member.)

The association enlisted the public relations firm, Aloysius Butler & Clark, which noted that “voices calling for safe, environmentally conscious packaging alternatives are growing louder.” Its solution: a social media campaign centered around the “Positively PET” slogan.

The deceiptfulness of these plastic companies is never ending.  They have no moral compass.