Landfill Levies – Different jurisdictions use levies to achieve specific outcomes

Posted on July 15, 2013 by DrRossH in Landfills and Disposal

Landfill Levies.

Landfill levies (or taxes, depending on where you live) are added to the tipping fee at a landfill to increase the cost of disposal to a point where diversion becomes more economically attractive. There are a number of reasons why jurisdictions impose landfill levies. They help preserve landfill capacity which is expensive (or in some locations virtually impossible to replace) and they support local industries that need recycled materials as feedstocks. (Landfill bans are also used to achieve this objective.) Levies may help meet regulatory obligations (e.g., EU Landfill Directive; EU Packaging Directive, etc.), raise funds for diversion infrastructure and/or simply to meet diversion targets.

Landfill taxes and levies are in place across Canada, the US and Europe. The amount of the levy varies depending on the policy objective. The way the funds are collected differs among countries and jurisdictions, as shown in these examples: (See link)