Litter traps for plastic debris installed along Beaches
Posted on December 1, 2011 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste NewsThree trial litter traps were installed by PWS along beaches of Port Melbourne. The litter traps cover the outlets of storm water drains that empty on to the beaches. Previously when a large storm event would occur, plastic litter on the nearby streets would get washed down the drain and out on to the beaches. In an attempt to quantify the amount of litter coming from the storm water drains, these three trail traps were installed. The local council will be emptying the traps and recording what debris they are collecting from them. Should the traps be judged a success the council will consider installing further traps. There are approximately 30 storm water drains that drain on to the beaches that have no litter traps on them. PWS fabricated the traps and installed them on site. See local paper article.
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