Most ‘home-compostable’ plastic doesn’t fully break down in compost bins, UK study finds 

Posted on May 26, 2024 by DrRossH in BioPlastics

Most certified “home-compostable” plastics do not fully break down in home compost bins, a citizen science project finds.

Source: Most ‘home-compostable’ plastic doesn’t fully break down in compost bins, UK study finds – ABC News

Over two years, more than 900 people in the UK placed a total of 1,307 home-compostable-certified plastic items, such as food trays and newspaper wrapping, in a loose non-biodegradable net bag before adding it to their home compost.

Many study participants reported feeling “disgusted” by how much plastic remained in their compost bin.

“At the state of everything at the moment, [home-compostable plastic] won’t solve the plastic pollution problem alone, but technology is heading in the right direction.”


Add the above complications along with the 12-15 month short life of home compostable plastic before it starts to fall apart on its own, then Home Compostable plastics  as they are now, have sigificant problems.