Pittsfield Subcommittee Continues Debate On Plastic Bag Ban – USA

Posted on March 14, 2018 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The proposed plastic bag ban will remain at the subcommittee level for councilors to wordsmith the ordinance and consider alternative bag options.   After…

Source: Pittsfield Subcommittee Continues Debate On Plastic Bag Ban

A few local businesses could appreciate the lower cost option. A representative from Stop and Shop estimated that it would cost the store $120,000 more a year. She said the store uses 3.3 million plastic bags per year and that would then have to be shifted to the more expensive paper bags. Meanwhile, Berkshire Wine and Liquor suggesting the city instead adopt a mandatory 5 cent charge for plastic bags instead so the businesses don’t have to should the cost of the switch.

Council Vice President John Krol, however, said the cost increase won’t be nearly as dramatic. He said when bag bans are put in place most residents switch to reusable carriers.
This is a simple discussion. The people debating this seem to be not qualified to hold or understand this discussion.  Ban the bag and be done. Most people will bring in their reusable bags and the costs to stores to ‘give out’ plastic bags will drop substantially. Even one will be happy and just find something else to complain about after a few months. As happens everywhere when this is done.