Recycling industry scrambles to solve our dirty waste secret – New Zealand
Posted on January 21, 2018 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting RegulationsNew Zealand options for its recycling are shrinking. but it’s still shipping waste offshore.
Source: Recycling industry scrambles to solve our dirty waste secret
China notified the World Trade Organisation of its new standards in July last year, so New Zealand’s recycling brokers had already organised alternative locations but those places were more expensive.
It was now cheaper to send plastic to landfill than give it to companies who shipped it offshore, she said.
Morgan said companies that sorted mostly plastic, like Visys, were feeling the heat of skyrocketing prices following the China ban.
All up, the plastic waste we shipped overseas last year was worth $13.2 million, every kilogram of plastic earning an average of just 25 cents.
More than 7 million kilograms of New Zealands plastic waste was shipped to China last year. Hong Kong, a separate import jurisdiction, received 13.5 million kg, and another 19 million kg was sent to Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam
She agreed that millions of kilograms of recyclable rubbish being sent to Asia was “probably not” common knowledge to New Zealanders.
All countries, if they want to us plastic should be able to reuse it or recycle into something else useful. If they can’t then disincentivise it’s us by putting a plastics tax on it to force industry to find another sustainable material. That is quite simple!
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