Secret state: Victoria cans access to stance on container deposit scheme – Australia

Posted on November 10, 2019 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

The Andrews government has refused to release high-level documents that might explain why Victoria is the only hold-out on the scheme.

Source: Secret state: Victoria cans access to stance on container deposit scheme


But the one major and strident opponent to a CDS is the hotels and gaming lobby, the Australian Hotels Association. In its 2017-18 report to the Registered Organisations Commission, the AHA listed advocating against a container deposit scheme in Victoria as a campaign priority.

The AHA is known to be concerned that a CDS would lead to an impost on beer drinkers when the cost of managing the scheme is passed on. Senior Andrews government insiders have expressed similar concerns.

This is very appalling of any govt to act like this.   An impost on beer drinkers?  More like a hit to their profits is the real thing they are scared of.  But the other states have their schemes working well so the concern about a little less profit is absurd.   Just plain greed of them selves over everything else., over the health of the oceans, over the gross litter we all put up with at the moment, over the loss of a lot of resources that would otherwise be used in a circular economy.  Just self service greed.   We don’t need these people in our economy and lives.