The outlook for Energy-from-Waste in Australia
Posted on November 29, 2022 by DrRossH in Landfills and DisposalAustralia has only recently started embracing EfW technology and following the European residual waste disposal trend. Western Australia has taken the lead and has two large EfW plants under construction that will have a combined processing capacity of 700 kilotons of residual waste per year. In addition, Victoria granted three environmental permits for three more facilities, and there are numerous projects in the early stages of development in the other states. To put this into perspective, the European Union has more than 500 facilities thermally treating more than 100 million tonnes of residual waste. The UK has commissioned more than 50 EfWs in the last decade.
Currently, Australia disposes approximately of 22 million tonnes of residual waste in landfills annually. Landfills are a significant contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is one of the key reasons why many EU member states and the UK are phasing out the development of new landfills. EfW technology provides an alternative with a lower GHG footprint, allows waste material recovery, and contributes to our energy needs.
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