Tobacco, plastic bag bans spur SC debate over who makes rules – USA

Posted on February 19, 2019 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

SC lawmakers have been unusually busy the last three years stepping on city and county toes, trying to limit what locals can do to regulate vaping, plastic bags and more. The winner? Big business, critics say

Source: Tobacco, plastic bag bans spur SC debate over who makes rules | The State

Banning plastic bag bans

Last year, legislators attempted a similar override of local rules when the House approved restrictions on local governments banning single-use plastic bags. The bill died in the state Senate, and some local S.C. governments since have extended their plastic bans to cover other items, including straws.

The USA form of government has been so corrupted by big business buying decisions in their favour to the extent that government and the people have become disjoint entities.   No longer do we Government for the people and by the people.  Now it is Government for Industry and by Industry.