Turning the Yarra’s trash into river bank furniture – Australia
Posted on August 30, 2019 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste NewsTonnes of plastic that has been fished out of Melbourne’s iconic river will be melted down to create seats along the water’s edge.
Source: Turning the Yarra’s trash into river bank furniture
Riverkeeper Andrew Kelly said it was impossible to know how much rubbish was in the Yarra but believed the problem was getting worse. He said litter was “a government problem” that was too big for community groups to fix.
Melbourne Water said more than 90 per cent of litter found on the beaches of Port Phillip originated on suburban streets and had been carried through storm water.
“Melbourne Water has a team of people monitoring and removing litter from our waterways — up to 47,000 wheelie bins of rubbish are collected every year,” waterways manager Andrew Mellor said
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