AFGC’s Barden welcomes $60 m funding by federal government – Australia

Posted on July 30, 2023 by DrRossH in Plastic Recycling

The Australian Food and Grocery Council’s (AFGC) CEO Tanya Barden has welcomed the federal government funding

Source: AFGC’s Barden welcomes $60 m funding by federal government – Inside Waste

The Australian Food and Grocery Council’s (AFGC) CEO Tanya Barden has welcomed the federal government funding to increase Australia’s recycling capabilities as important progress in developing a circular economy for packaging materials.

Barden said $60 million in funding for hard-to-recycle plastics, including soft plastics, and consultation on a national framework for recycled content traceability will boost the ability of food and grocery companies to use recycled materials in packaging.

“Food and grocery manufacturers want to use more recycled packaging content, including food-grade recycled plastics, in their packaging to increase sustainability while maintaining the quality and safety consumers expect,” Barden said.

Some people will ask why is the tax payer funding this development for the manufacturers.  Should they be paying for the problems they have made for them selves?