AFGC says 100,000+ households ready to join NPRS – Australia

Posted on May 14, 2023 by DrRossH in Plastic Recycling


The Australian Food & Grocery Council’s (AFGC) CEO Tanya Barden has called for urgent solutions to soft plastics recycling in Australia.

“The REDcycle scheme was ambitious and well-intended, but the initiative relied heavily on the public’s willingness to return their soft plastics waste to store, and at its peak, was only capturing roughly four percent of soft plastics recycling in circulation.

“We’re now looking to expand the trials into larger-scale pilots, with a further 100,000+ households set to join the scheme from late 2023,” said Barden. “This phased approach will provide opportunity for domestic advanced recycling infrastructure to mature at pace with the scheme, and ensure it has the appropriate processing capacity required to deal with the increased volume of soft plastics recycling.”