California debates 15% goal for bioplastic beverage bottles – USA

Posted on April 14, 2023 by DrRossH in BioPlastics, Plastic Recycling


The state Assembly is considering a bill that would provide modest incentives to companies using plant-based plastics, as well as set a non-binding goal that plastic beverage bottles need to be made with 15 percent bio-based materials by 2030.

Besides the 15 percent goal, the legislation also would give bottle makers 10 percent discounts on processing fees they pay under the state’s bottle bill program, if they use plastic made from agricultural waste.

The incentives would not apply to bioplastics made from food crops.

Supporters of the bill, which passed out of its first committee on an 8-3 vote, said it would be an important step toward setting up standards for bioplastics.

They want the state to encourage materials like bio-based PET that can be a drop-in resin replacement and function seamlessly in the state’s recycling programs, and say they want to discourage alternatives like polylactic acid plastic containers, which they see as problematic for recycling.

The comment about not promoting compostable materials as they are not recyclable shows they understand some characteristics of compostable materials.