Coral found to be eating plastic waste in the ocean – News – Australia

Posted on March 2, 2015 by DrRossH in Plastic & Wildlife

Coral found to be eating plastic waste in the ocean – News – ABC Environment (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).

Researchers found that coral tried to eat small pieces of plastic, raising renewed concerns for the level of plastic waste floating in the ocean.


CORAL HAS JOINED a growing list of marine organisms that have been found (pdf) to eat plastic floating in the ocean, but researchers warn it is probably not good for them. The finding adds more weight to the calls for plastic waste in the ocean to be addressed.

He called for plastic manufacturers to have greater stewardship of their product for the whole of its life.


“Plastics are going to be around forever. They’re such a useful product. We just have to ensure that we do recycle them… There’s no silver bullet for this. It’s just about everyone doing their bit everywhere and obviously the creators of these products have a large role to play.”