If San Mateo County supervisors approve plastic bags ban Tuesday, 24 cities may follow – California
Posted on October 19, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations“I love those bags, but too many times these bags end up in our oceans,” Taggart said. “My feeling is no matter how convenient they are, we as human beings have a responsibility to this earth not to destroy it or not to destroy other animals.”
Let this momentum roll on for more plastic bag bans. Yes they may be convenient at that time, but so is using a reusable cloth shopping bag.
Using them for waste bin liners or doggy poop bags is no licence to use a plastic bag that will last 100’s of years. Yes plastic is good as it is water proof but it is also very bad for many consumer applications for the same reason. Before any one cries foul they need to go to a landfill and have a look around at the 1000’s of plastic bags visible and blowing around. If the landfill is near the ocean or a waterway, guess where these bags go? We just don’t need to do that. In the 40 odd years of using plastic bags we have made a huge mess and killed so much wildlife it is embarrassing. Go buy a landfill biodegradable bag (not a degradable bag as those are worse for the environment) and use that for you bin liner and doggy poop. They are cheap. They will biodegrade away in a few years when they are discarded to a landfill. That is a much better solution than complaining about keeping non biodegradable bags around.
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