Oakton students win ban on sale of plastic water bottles on campus – USA

Posted on June 16, 2016 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

In response to a student lobbying effort, the Oakton Community College President’s Council recently agreed to support a ban of single-use plastic water bottles on campus, joining colleges across the nation that have taken a similar stance, including Northwestern and Loyola universities.

Source: Oakton students win ban on sale of plastic water bottles on campus

Another team discovered consequences that included a negative economic impact on college students. The team calculated a gallon of bottled water is 2,000 times more expensive than a gallon of tap water. Among findings of other teams was that it takes more than 1,000 years for plastic bottles to break down in a landfill, plastic litter can be devastating to wildlife, manufacturing bottles creates pollutants and greenhouse gasses, plastic may release carcinogens into the water before it is consumed, and the processing and transportation of bottled water consumed 17 million barrels of oil.

“It is sad that we buy a water bottle, drink it, and toss it, without ever considering the results of our actions,” said second-year honor student Roxana Berinde, a graduate of Niles West and club co-president. “I was shocked once I began to learn all of the different ways in which a simple convenience like this can have long-lasting negative consequences for people and our environment.”

Good work Oakton students.  Now you understand what a big problem these items really are.