Should we really be building out of plastic? No.

Should we really be building out of plastic? No.

Posted on January 7, 2018 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

I thought it might be a way to use up all that plastic that they are going to make, but I was wrong.

Source: Should we really be building out of plastic? No.

I got off on a tangent, a modest proposal that perhaps it was a better idea to turn all those plastics into building materials that last instead of disposable bottles that get dumped in the ocean- that if we are going to make plastic, let’s make it last.

I was wrong. Because when you start looking at how plastics are actually made, it turns out that their manufacture has a huge carbon footprint.

Belief in the recycling of plastics as the saviour to plastic waste is a fallacy.  Reduce is the only option that will save our future.  Is it that hard to not use a single use bag or a disposable plastic straw or that water bottle?  No it is not and we need to relearn this.