Australian Roads littered with Drink Bottles

Australian Roads littered with Drink Bottles

Posted on March 10, 2014 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations
We did an informal survey of littered bottles around the streets of our house.  We knew Australia had a bottle littering problem  but this survey surprised even us.  26 bottles along one km going east, 38 bottles along one km going west and 48 bottles along a km going north.  That is a lot of bottle litter.  Equates to a bottle littered ever 26 m.  When will the government get the courage to pass a container deposit scheme.  80% of the people want it so why not pass it?
At 10 cents deposit a bottle,1KM of bottles Port Melb Poster Mar2014 a bottle collector person could have raised over $10 for about one hours work.