Johor, Perak to ban polystyrene and plastic bags – India

Johor, Perak to ban polystyrene and plastic bags – India

Posted on April 20, 2016 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

India_star_polystyreneIPOH – Perak and Johor, which are moving towards a ban on polystyrene containers, are encouraging people to use tiffin carriers or other biodegradable containers.The Perak government has declared a total ban on the usage of polystyrene containers and plastic bags from June next year.Residents here will have to use biodegradable containers or their own shopping bags then.

via Johor, Perak to ban polystyrene and plastic bags.

Ayub said plastic and polystyrene containers had been clogging up drains and rivers and even becoming mosquito-breeding grounds. Speaking to reporters, Ayub said that 80 per cent of the 160 tonnes of the rubbish collected yearly in Sungai Skudai, one of the dirtiest rivers in Johor, was made up of polystyrene and plastic. 

If they can enforcce it this will be good.