A national container deposit scheme the cheapest option for industry | Blogs | Main

Posted on April 4, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

A national container deposit scheme the cheapest option for industry | Blogs | Main.

This confirms the research by PWS that the cost of the Stewardship schemes considered in this RIS report in Australia were hugely underestimated.  The funding estimate came from industry who make the containers and who strongly oppose a container recycling scheme.   Therefore there is no surprise they wanted to provide a very low ‘cost’ number versus the cost to introduce a Container deposit scheme.  If the politicians buy into this Stewardship or self managed scheme proposed by industry as being the lowest cost for the economy,  then we will simply get what we have been getting in the last 20 years.  i.e.  only 20% or so of bottle recycled by avid recyclers and the rest going to the landfill as lost resources or to be littered along our roads, in parks and on beaches.
The RIS report was done be a large multinational research company so it is surprising they just accepted the ‘cost’ number from industry as the ‘cost’ to do what was proposed.   What if that number is ten times higher?   Will industry contribute ten times as much or go back to saying the public needs more education and absolve themselves of further responsibility for environmental problems with their bottles and containers as they do now.