Australian packaging leader calls for mandated recycled content 

Posted on July 2, 2024 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Pact CEO Sanjay Dayal said Australia’s 2025 national packaging targets “will not be achieved, particularly for plastics, which is disappointing. These targets are voluntary so incentive to act is based on company willingness.”

Source: Australian packaging leader calls for mandated recycled content | Sustainable Plastics

The head of Australia’s largest plastic packaging company wants the federal government to mandate a percentage of recycled content for plastic products as well as tax manufacturers that fail to meet the target.

Sanjay Dayal, CEO and managing director of Melbourne-based, publicly listed Pact Group Ltd., told Plastics News the Australian government “needs to introduce regulations with a combination of financial penalties for those that don’t comply and incentives for those that do.”

He said Australia’s 2025 national packaging targets “will not be achieved, particularly for plastics, which is disappointing. These targets are voluntary so incentive to act is based on company willingness.”

The voluntary targets were set by an industry-led group, the Australian Packaging Covenant Organization (APCO). Between 2017 and July 2021, according to statistics on APCO’s website, 72 brand owners ceased to be APCO members for “noncompliance.”