Australia’s oceans drowning in plastic waste – 

Australia’s oceans drowning in plastic waste – 

Posted on May 30, 2024 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations, Plastic Waste News

The inquiry into plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans has ended and the report has been tabled in parliament.

Source: Australia’s oceans drowning in plastic waste – Inside Waste

The Committee’s final report tabled in Parliament makes 22 recommendations aimed at strengthening Australia’s plastics management framework to minimise plastic waste to landfill, incentivise the use of recycled materials in the production of new plastics and strengthen management of the plastics that are already in the environment.

‘Without urgent action, plastic waste will increase and continue to negatively impact our oceans and waterways. Australia needs to act now to protect its natural environment for future generations,’’ said Chair of the Committee, Tony Zappia MP.

A key recommendation is the development of an updated National Plastics Plan in consultation with state and territory governments, industry, and the community.

‘‘The Plan should be nationally coordinated and increase industry accountability to reduce the amount of plastics ending up in landfill,’’ Zappia said. ‘‘Many Australians want to recycle correctly but inconsistencies among states and territories have led consumers to believe that certain items are recyclable or compostable when they are not. The Committee recommends nationally harmonising the single-use plastic bans, waste collection standards and the Container Deposit Scheme.

‘‘Packaging and recycling labelling need to be standardised and simplified to reduce confusion and help consumers recycle the right containers.