Bans on polystyrene containers and single-use bags continue to spread
Posted on March 12, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting RegulationsPlastics News – Bans on polystyrene containers and single-use bags continue to spread.
These bans are an important part of moving into the future with a cleaner and more sustainable environment for us all. The coalition is only focusing on their profits now and could care less about the cleaner environment for their children of their descendents to enjoy.
We hope the common sense light of day will prevail over the judicators and enforce these bans and encourage others to adopt similar bans.
As for the plastic bag makers, smart business sense would tell them to get on board to make reusable bags and biodegradable bags. Otherwise the day will come when they have no product to sell and their legal bills will have been substantial. If they switched to the better sustainable products, they could use the money they would otherwise pay to legal fees to pay for the switch over costs. Ask yourself which makes more sense?
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