Brand owners setting aggressive goals for packaging sustainability

Posted on November 10, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

Plastics News – Brand owners setting aggressive goals for packaging sustainability.

How can a plastic cup made from virgin resin with a recycle logo on it be claimed sustainable?   The use of virgin resin precludes any notion of sustainability.  Just because it is recyclable has little meaning.  Most of Starbucks cups are cups to-go and the recycling rate of to-go plastic is extremely low.  The cups have no perceived value so they are dumped in the trash.  If companies like Starbuck were serious about this topic they would be using recycled resins and offering a refundable deposit on their cups are Starbucks stores to ensure most consumers would return their cups so Starbucks can recycle them.  Now we are starting to talk about sustainable solutions.