Call for plastic bag levy in England

Posted on August 11, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Call for plastic bag levy in England | Packaging News | Manufacture | Jobs | Design | Materials | Equipment.

Plastics manufacturers always try to hide behind the story of it is more environmentally beneficial to make a plastic bag than it is a reusable bag.  What they don’t want to admit though is that if they recycled their water they would not use more water.  If they used renewable energy rather than coal energy they would not be polluting the air as much.   The other big factor they hide away from is what happens on the disposal side of their product as they have no answer for that.  A plastic bag can be used once for 5 minutes for simple convenience then discarded where it last for 100’s of years.  Is that the legacy we want to leave to future generations?  Certainly not so the only way to stop this is face up to it that we have to stop using these plastic bags.  Putting a fee on them will bring about the first part of a good chance to get their use down.

Removing the bags is the clear way to go.  It is supported by the people in every place it has been done so far except for the owners of the companies that make the bags are the one crying foul the most as they put their profits ahead of the environment for the rest of us.