Efforts to curb plastic-bag litter face major opposition – New York

Posted on February 3, 2017 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

New York legislators are set to overturn a New York City law that would have put a 5-cent fee on bags beginning Feb. 15.

Source: Efforts to curb plastic-bag litter face major opposition

New York legislators in Albany are trying to overturn a New York City law that would put a 5-cent fee on paper and plastic bags beginning Feb. 15. Two bills that would have done the same in New Jersey have stalled in Trenton after being sponsored by three Bergen County Democrats and other legislators last year.

“There has been such a strong push against these bags, so it’s a bit disheartening,” said Jen Benson, who organizes cleanups for the Hudson Riverkeeper advocacy group. “The fight’s not over. If New York can still impose the fee, it can set a precedent for the entire region.”

Supporters say the fee would encourage shoppers to bring their own reusable tote bags to the store. It may not be quite as convenient, but it’s a small sacrifice to make, they say.

The legislators are so supportive of manufacturers they always for get that they are representatives.   Representatives of the people of their state.  People entrust them to make decisions for the betterment of the people not the betterment of a few corporations making an out dated product.  We need to get rid of these free plastic bags and urgently.