How to pitch green bloggers |

Posted on June 7, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

How to pitch green bloggers |

For our 5 cents worth, it is on the packaging.  Plastic in particular.

Some one above said don’t just say biodegradable.  It is a magnificent concept and a disposal mechanism of almost everything up till about 1960 when plastics started to take off.  So now the general term biodegradable is really made up of three main and quite different disposal technologies.

1)       Landfill biodegradable.  As it sounds plastics with a landfill-biodegradable additive in them will anaerobically biodegrade over a number of years into methane and humus.  Modern landfills now capture methane to generate electricity.

2)      Compostable, this is fast aerobic biodegradation in special commercial compost facilities.  This is not your backyard composter as the do not generate enough heat.  They produce CO2 hence there is no chance to get the stored energy of the plastic waste.  So if you get a compostable bag and want to drive ½ way across the state to drop it off at a commercial compost facility then you can be assure it will biodegrade away.

3)      The last one receives a lot of PR but it is mostly a con.   Degradable plastics are made by putting an additive in them that starts a slow chemical reaction (not biological) that causes the plastic to fragment into little pieces over a couple of years.  It only works on plastics up on top of the ground not in landfills as it needs oxygen to work.   There are so many criticisms of degradable plastics as causing a worse environmental problem.  But they have good salesman it seems that lead people on to think degradable is really biodegradable and it works in a landfill too.

So to be correct whenever a manufacturer says their product or packaging is biodegradable they ought to say biodegradable where and tell the consumer how to dispose of it.  Not that that would really help too much either.  If you don’t have a commercial compost facility at you street end where are you going to put you compostable plastic waste?  In the trash more than likely as compostable plastics cannot be recycled.   If you have a degradable plastic, how would you dispose of that?   Again trash is the only answer, as they too cannot be mainstream recycled as they would contaminate other products with the degradable additive.    Only landfill-biodegradable plastics (which can be recycled mainstream) seem to make sense as the too will go to trash if not recycled.  Then once in a landfill they will start to biodegrade away.