Opinion: The importance of mass balance in chemical recycling
Posted on December 6, 2024 by DrRossH in Plastic RecyclingFor the chemical recycling industry to realize future growth, it would be beneficial to establish clear guidelines as to how companies can allocate chemically recycled material to their products as they try to hit recycling targets, argues Joshua Dill, Analyst, Plastics Recycling, at ICIS
Source: Opinion: The importance of mass balance in chemical recycling | Sustainable Plastics
For the chemical recycling industry to realize future growth, it would be beneficial to establish clear guidelines as to how companies can allocate chemically recycled material to their products as they try to hit recycling targets. The lack of guidance in this area adds to the overall uncertainty around chemical recycling from a legal standpoint, which negatively impacts investment in the nascent industry. Investments in chemical recycling are important to broadening the scope of recyclable feedstock by targeting those plastics and their specific applications that are not suitable for mechanical recycling.
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