Simple method to measure microplastic concentration 

Simple method to measure microplastic concentration 

Posted on June 20, 2024 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

Researchers have developed a simple method to measure nano/ microplastic concentration in different soil types.

Source: Simple method to measure microplastic concentration – Inside Waste

Current techniques for measuring nano/ microplastic (N/MP) concentrations in soil require the soil organic matter content to be separated and have limited resolution for analysing N/MPs sized <1 µm. Researchers have developed a simple method to measure N/MP concentration in different soil types using spectroscopy at two wavelengths. This method does not require the soil to be separated in order to detect the N/MPs and can accurately quantify N/MPs regardless of their size.


Detection is vital for the understanding of plastic distrubution, but removal is going to be far more difficult and costly.  Stopping it in the first place is the obvious answer.