Tackling plastic pollution and restoring oceans with material ingenuity

Posted on July 25, 2023 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

On a mission to tackle the ever-growing issue of plastic pollution, ULUU’s goal is to replace traditional plastics with a clean, sustainable process.

Source: Tackling plastic pollution and restoring oceans with material ingenuity

The mission at ULUU is to tackle the ever-growing issue of plastic pollution. Using seaweed as a sustainable resource, ULUU is producing a versatile natural polymer called polyhydroxalkanoates (PHA). The material is functionally similar to traditional plastics, with the major benefit that it is also biodegradable and won’t accumulate in oceans and landfills or linger as microplastics in biological systems.

can it be scaled to Millions of tones per year is the question?