The Need for a Container Deposit Scheme

Posted on December 30, 2011 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

A CDS or Container Deposit Scheme is a very successful program where it has been introduced.  In Australia and internationally.  Just this morning I picked up 8 bottles in a 200 m stretch.  It just shows the magnitude of the problem and if nothing is done about it, it will just get worse as summer comes and more bottles are manufactured.  While it is a litter problem the manufacturers are not innocent of this problem either.  They knowingly producing a product that will end up as litter in a significant way.   A CDS is the only effective way to prevent this.  It puts a small onus on the manufacturer to have some financial responsibility for the products they make and incentivises the public to pick up the bottles for a refund.  That is a win-win situation.

This argument from the Australian Food and Beverage Council about reducing curb side efficiency is absolutely incorrect.  It will increase curb side efficiency as there will be less bottles in the collection to pick up.  This makes curb side pickups more efficient as they can take more of other recyclate on the same trip. Less fuel is used to get it all to the recycle centre, less landfill space is used, less materials are used to make fewer new bottles, less water is used to make fewer new bottles, less energy is used to make fewer new bottles, less CO2 is emitted to make fewer new bottles.