Time To Ban The Plastic Bag, Researchers Say – Australia

Posted on June 3, 2016 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Researchers at James Cook University are honing techniques to translate peoples’ concern for ecosystems like the Great Barrier Reef into individual action, as the threat posed by marine plastic pollution takes a leading role in the debate around our oceans’ health. The group has focused their efforts on single-use plastic bags, which represent a significant threat toMore

Source: Time To Ban The Plastic Bag, Researchers Say – New Matilda

It is hard to fathom in a democracy where overwhelming majority of people want to ban these bags, why the governments don’t listen.  It simply means we don’t live in a democracy anymore.

All indications are that all these unnecessary single uses bags will be banned across the majour states soon so we wait with baited breath for that move.  This will provide the oceans some relief from more bags no longer making it any worse than it is now.