US Needs National Strategy to Deal With Plastic, Report Says. This Sandhill Crane’s Injured Beak Shows Why – USA

Posted on December 6, 2021 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Source: US Needs National Strategy to Deal With Plastic, Report Says. This Sandhill Crane’s Injured Beak Shows Why | Chicago News | WTTW


The report calls on the federal government to create a national strategy, by the end of 2022, to reduce the nation’s contribution of plastic waste to the environment.

Among the suggested interventions:

— Reduce plastic production, especially for plastics that are not reusable or practically recyclable. For example, establish a national cap on virgin plastic production.

— Encourage design innovation and the development of substitutes that degrade more quickly or can be more easily recycled or reused.

— Decrease the amount of waste generated by reducing the use of disposable plastic products. For example, ban specific products based on their toxicity or necessity.

“Such a strategy would enhance United States’ leadership in creating solutions to global plastic pollution and shaping modern industrial plastic policy,” the report stated.

For wildlife, those interventions can’t come soon enough.