A first in Quebec: unprecedented mobilization to strengthen the curbside recycling of recyclable materials
Posted on June 12, 2012 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste NewsSimple and efficient, the system is continually gaining ground
The fact that the recovery rate has grown from 20.5% in 1999 to 65% in 2010 proves that curbside recycling is gaining ground. “Curbside recycling is the most effective recovery system and the only one that will help us reach overall targets that were set by the 2011-15 Action Plan in Quebec’s Residual Materials Management Policy. The system will continue to have a significant and positive impact on our environment because its ease of use will result in larger quantities of recyclable materials being diverted from landfill sites,” said Maryse Vermette, ÉEQ’s President and CEO.
This industry’s concrete initiative encourage the public to recycle more materials made of glass, metal, plastic, paper and cardboard and therefore increase the rate of recovery.
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