Australia backs limits on plastic production at global negotiations 

Posted on June 14, 2023 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting Regulations

Negotiations on a global plastics treaty in Paris this week ended with a decision to develop a draft treaty text.

Source: Australia backs limits on plastic production at global negotiations – Waste Management Review

Australia played a leading role at the second International Negotiating Committee (INC-2) meeting in supporting the inclusion of binding measures to limit plastic production in the ‘zero draft’ treaty, that will be considered at the next meeting to be held in Kenya in November.

Plastic pollution is a growing global crisis, impacting marine ecosystems, the broader environment, human health, climate and the rights of indigenous peoples. Without concerted global action, the volume of plastic entering the oceans is projected to triple due to rapidly increasing plastics production.

The UN Environment Programme estimates that emissions from plastic production, use and disposal could account for 15 per cent of the global total by 2050.

Ocean conservationists are glad that negotiations for a global plastics treaty are moving forward and hope the draft treaty text will include ambitious elements to limit plastic production and offer financial assistance critical for Small Island Developing States in the Pacific region.