The Problem of Plastic Straws (And How Each of Us Can Make a Difference)

Posted on December 17, 2017 by DrRossH in General, Plastic Straws

A Q&A with Jackie Nunez, founder of the Last Plastic Straw.

Source: The Problem of Plastic Straws (And How Each of Us Can Make a Difference)

Can restaurants and businesses save money by serving fewer plastic straws or switching to a reusable straw?

YES THEY CAN! Cost is actually a non-issue: if businesses simply write on their menus “Straws served upon request” they will find 50-90 percent of their patrons will not ask for a straw. If you think about how many people actually have and use drinking straws at home, you start to get the picture of what is the real “need” for a drinking straw.

The Last Plastic Straw is not against drinking straws, we are against plastic for single-use, and the plastic drinking straw is the poster child for useless single-use plastic. If a business simply served straws upon request for those who need them, it would be cost savings, not only for the business, but for the community they do business in. Consider the savings in waste hauling, landfill, plastic in the environment, clean up, and the overall pollution that results in every stage of a plastic straws existence from manufacture, shipping, health toxicity, and waste.