The world’s plastic problem, in two charts

The world’s plastic problem, in two charts

Posted on August 8, 2017 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste News

Plastic doesn’t disappear—at least not on any timescale relevant to a human lifespan

Source: The world’s plastic problem, in two charts

Jambeck and her coauthors found that although rates of recycling and incineration will likely increase steadily over the next decades, based on current rates of plastic manufacturing and waste, 12 billion metric tons of plastic waste will be lying around on the planet by 2050. That’s 1.6 metric tons, or roughly the weight of a midsize car, for every single person alive today.

This is  a lot but when you consider every person includes people in 3rd world countries (who make up about 60% of the worlds population), whose plastic foot  print is all most zero.   That means the people is the west are making  a very high plastic foot print.   This is where it has to stop  first.